Saturday, July 21, 2012

Manesar violence

Manesar violence a shocker, but will not shift plant: Maruti

NEW DELHI:  Maruti Suzuki today declared a lockout at the violence-hit Manesar plant, stating it cannot risk life and safety of its employees. "There is now a lockout. To me, what is more important is safety of my colleagues than producing some cars to make some money," Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) chairman RC Bhargava said at a press conference here.

MSI general manager (human resource) Awanish Kumar Dev was burnt to death and about 90 officials and supervisors were injured when violence broke out at Manesar plant in Haryana on July 18. He said production will not resume till investigation into the incident is completed and corrective steps are taken to ensure that there is no recurrence of violence which came as "shocker" to the company.

Whether there was any plan to shift the production facility to an alternate site, he said, "Talks of Maruti unit moving out of Manesar is an absolute fiction ... We are not moving the plant out of Manesar. Maruti is flag-bearer of industrialization in Haryana."

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